News from InterEast

From LIA Intern to Senior Freight Forwarder
Emil Fuchs morning routine is sacred: a cup of black coffee and then booting the computer up to check that the night’s shipments …

The Freight Forwarder who became a Digital Analytics Specialist
One of the best reviews you as a company can get is the returning customer. Imagine how glad we were when a former employee …

Rise and Fall in the Suez Canal
The delicate mission of freeing the container ship blocking the Suez Canal is still at large. The first sign of progress happened this weekend…

Hur Covid-19 påverkar din transport. Andra vågen.
En andra våg av COVID-19 rullar igenom Sverige och företagen ställer om. Vilka lärdomar har vi fått från det senaste året och hur påverkas dina transporter?
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